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2025 Trent Lakes Open Air Burn Permit

Under Section of the Ontario Fire Code, and the regulations and subject to the limitations thereof, and subject to Municipality of Trent Lakes By-law B2023-053 thereof, and subject to the terms and conditions here, this permit is issued to:

For the purpose of:

Note: This permit does not authorize the burning of any materials that would not be permitted by the Ministry of the Environment.

  1. The Permittee shall keep the permit at the site of the burning operation conducted under this permit.
  2. The person in charge of the burning operation conducted under this permit, shall produce and show this permit to any official of Trent Lakes Fire Rescue Service and/or Municipal By-Law Enforcement Officer whenever requested by that officer.
  3. No person shall start an open air fire between 8:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. from April 1 to October 31 of any given year pursuant to Ministry of Natural Resources regulations. All open air fires must be extinguished before 8:00 a.m.
  4. The amount to be burned at one (1) time shall not exceed 0.61metres x 0.61metres x 0.61 metres (2 feet x 2 feet x 2 feet) unless by special permission of the Fire Chief or their designate.
  5. All slash and land clearing debris shall be in no more than one (1) controllable fire per residence on property. The material to be burned shall be limited to wood or by-products of wood, brush, and leaves excluding materials that can be reused and recycled.  No fire shall contain rubber tires, plastic products, shingles, and painted wood or other building materials that are known to create extensive smoke.
  6. The Permittee shall have at the location of the fire, personnel and firefighting equipment in a serviceable condition such as a hose or pails of water, rakes, shovels, etc.
  7. It is understood and agreed by the Permittee that the Trent Lakes Fire Rescue Service will not be held responsible for any damages caused by the permitted in any manner by reason of the issuance of this permit.
  8. It is understood and agreed by the Permittee that it shall be the sole responsibility of the Permittee or agent whom this permit is issued to maintain the fire in a safe location and under control at all times.
  9. The Permittee or his/her agent shall call 1-800-374-4009 ext 301 or 1-705-738-3800 ext 301 before commencing burning and when finished burning on each day.

Safe Burning Tips

  1. Burn at a safe time, never on dry or windy days.
  2. Keep your burning job small enough that you keep it under control at all times.
  3. Never leave the fire until it is dead out.

Conditions and Regulations

  1. A Fire Permit is required before starting a fire.
  2. “Open Fire” shall mean a fire not contained within an approved incinerating device for cooking only.
  3. “Close Proximity” shall mean 6 metres (25 feet) to any lot line, buildings, fences, trees, brush piles or other structures or combustible materials to constitute a hazard.
  4. “Adverse Effect” shall mean one (1) or more of”
    1. Impairment of the quality of the natural environment for any use that can be made of it
    2. Injury or damage to property or to plant or animal life.
    3. Harm or material discomfort to any person
    4. An adverse effect on the health of any person
    5. Impairment of the safety of any person
    6. Rendering any property or plant or animal life unfit for the use of man
    7. Loss of enjoyment of the normal use of property and
    8. Interference with the normal conduct of business
  5. No person shall discharge a contaminant or cause or permit the discharge of a contaminant into the natural environment that causes or is likely to cause an adverse effect.
  6. A Permittee who does not comply with the conditions of this permit is liable to prosecution under the above-mentioned by-laws.
  7. No open fire shall be left unattended and it shall be supervised at all times by an adult person until it has been fully extinguished.
  8. No person shall set an open fire in the close proximity (25feet(7.6m)) to any lot line, buildings, fences, trees, brush piles or other structures or combustible materials that could be ignited by sparks or heat radiating from the said fire.
  9. All persons setting an open fire must assume full responsibility for the fire control, and shall:
    1. Be responsible for any damage to property or injury to persons occasioned by said fire;
    2. Be liable for the cost incurred by the Fire Department including personnel, equipment and apparatus necessary and called to extinguish said fire, and shall reimburse the Fire Department upon demand for such costs;
    3. Assume full responsibility for conducting the controlled burning in accordance with the safety measures required by the Police and Fire Services as well as the Ministry of Natural Resources, the “Environmental Protection Act” and/or other regulatory bodies having jurisdiction.
    4. Attend the fire at all times or ensure that it is attended by an adult person;
    5. Permit only one (1) fire to be burning at a time.
  10. All fires must be completely extinguished before leaving the scene and no fires may be left burning
  11. Every person who starts or causes to be started a fire out of doors shall:
    1. Take all responsible steps to keep the fire under control;
    2. Ensure that a responsible person tends the fire;
    3. Where the fire is started under a fire permit, extinguish the fire on or before the expiration of the permit; and
    4. Extinguish the fire before quitting the site of the fire.
  12. A fire permit may be cancelled or suspended at any time by the “Fire Chief”, the “Municipal By-Law Enforcement Officer”, or “Ministry of the Environment Official” or other designates.
  13. No person shall discharge, fire, set off, or cause to be set off a flying lantern within the Municipality of Trent Lakes.
  14. No person shall discharge consumer fireworks during an imposed burn ban.

Note: This permit does not authorize the burning of any materials that would not be permitteed by the Ministry of Environment. 

I am a property owner or tenant in the Municipality of Trent Lakes.

Your permit is valid until December 31st, 2025 unless a shorter time frame has been specified in comments

I agree that I have read and understood All Conditions and Regulations on this permit.

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